Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tra$h Talking

I gotta agree with Andy Cohen about this hatchet job on Sarah Jessica Parker in today's New York Post that claims she is a stingy multimillionaire who "behaves like a broke freelance model stuffing shoes into her purse backstage at a fashion show." Soooo many inaccuracies, like this stuff about her successful movie career: “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” and “Honeymoon in Vegas” were definitely not hits.


Eric said...

That was horseshit. It didn't even make sense. At no point does the writer prove her central point, which is that SJP is particularly greedy or anything beyond a performer and business woman (WHAT?!?!? She got PAID for being a TV show? And the Union minimum? Scandal!)

Where's the piece on how greedy Murdoch is?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if she takes freebies, seeing as she grew up poor. I don't much believe the article either. BUT I do believe my eyes, and when I see her walking outside with 1% body fat looking like a dolled-up cadaver, all exposed veins and tendons, I want to cry for womanhood. She should get therapy and address her issues with appearance. SJP is a pretty lady and super-famous -- why starve yourself so people can "like" you? (And don't even try disagreeing, she looks freaky in recent photos.)