Thursday, May 06, 2010

Music Box: The New Pornographers

Not sure if I'm mentioned this before or not, but I'm completely obsessed with the New Pornographers. I love everything about them -- the literary lyrics, the power-pop energy and, of course, a touch of Neko Case -- so I'm struggling to decide whether or not I am going to go ahead and buy their just-released new album, "Together," or wait to see if a download happens my way. (Steve Jobs should be proud that he's shamed me into not buying CDs anymore, but not into spending money on downloads.) So far I've only heard the first single, "Your Hands (Together)" and "Crash Years." And if those two tracks are any indication, I'm already kicking myself for not picking up a copy on Tuesday. They're playing in Woodstock tonight (sounds like something they'd do -- are you going, Mark?). But it looks like I'm going to have to wait till mid-June to see them in the city, a thrill this Johnny-come-lately fan has yet to experience.



Larry said...

"Together" is really fantastic. LOVE The New Pornographers but no one else I know is into them. I've been a fan of both Neko Case and A.C. Newman for years, but together they're genius.

BW said...

I bought not one but two of their albums several years ago, so something must have struck me, but I never got around to really getting into them. And now I'm distracted by Metric's "Help, I'm Alive," so I'll never get around to it ...