Friday, April 09, 2010

Page 1 Consider (04/09)

  • Sad State: Now the Fort Worth theater that had agreed to show a student-directed play with a gay Jesus character has withdrawn its offer, too. (Star Telegram)

  • Big Fat Deal: Jason Riggs claims he was fired by Corcoran Real Estate for being an "overweight gay male." (NY Post)

  • Short Sleeves, Shorter Tempers: The owner of the racy site owner has been receiving death threats from LDS members. We already knew that it doesn't take much to get those people's magic underwear in a bunch, but this is ridiculous. (Bilerico)

  • Bigger Is Better: What do Hillary Rodham Clinton and Snooki have in common? Find out HERE.

  • Cafe Bleu: The real reason coffee in Paris sucks so bad. (T Magazine)

  • Deadly Shame: A gay college professor in India has reportedly committed suicide after he was filmed having sex with a rickshaw puller in a sting operation involving students from an Indian Muslim university and a local television channel. (Telegraph)

  • Unbanned Fag: My friend Frank Anthony Polito's Facebook fan page for his novel "Band Fags" has been reinstated. After much speculation as to why the page had been taken down -- censorship? political correctness? computer program? -- an administrator from the social-networking site wrote to Polito that the page was deleted "erroneously." (Advocate)

  • Zimbabwe Justice: Because nothing "cures" homosexuality like a good old-fashioned raping. (AP)

  • RIP: Was sorry to hear that Malcolm McLaren had died Thursday in Switzerland of mesothelioma. I'm not entirely sure what kind of a person he was -- I've read so many crazy things about the former manager of the Sex Pistols who is credited with playing a decisive role in creating the British punk movement -- but there's no question his work affected my generation deeply. Bow Wow Wow alone is enough for me to mourn this multifaceted man. (NYT) Read what Johnny Rotten had to say about his former manager HERE.
  • 1 comment:

    nojarama said...

    Very sad to read about Malcolm's passing. I enjoyed him (his banter with almost everyone was hilarious) and alot of his own music myself. His "Madame Butterfly" alone was epic back in the day, and to this day brings back very happy memories. I shall do a "Buffalo Dance" in his honor.