Thursday, January 14, 2010

Page 1 Consider (01/14)

  • Capital Murder? Toxicology reports from the Robert Wone homicide case in Washington have just been made public. If you thought they were going to bring his assailants closer to justice -- the three men who lived in the Swann Street residence where he was killed, Joseph Price, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward, are the prime suspects -- you've gotta another think coming. (Who Murdered Robert Wone?)
  • Rather Push a Gillibrand Than Drive a Ford: After some apparent prodding, Kirsten Gillibrand finally struck back at Harold Ford Jr., whose attacks have grown increasingly aggressive in recent days. Strangely, based on his campaign contributions, it sounds like even he thinks she should hold on to her Senate seat. (NYT)
  • Not Six Feet Under: Was shocked to read that Michael C. Hall, whom I loved on "Six Feet Under" and the first season of "Dexter" (never saw the others), has been battling cancer. The actor was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, but his spokesman says it is now in remission. (NY Post)
  • Heavy Data: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say obesity in America has reached a "plateau," but it's not because people have started to get a grip on their health. It's because we've run out of people to get fat. (NYT)
  • 9021-Oh: I'd say Andrea Zuckerman got her diploma at West Beverly High just in time. (NYT)
  • Capital Gains: D.C. gay marriage law likely to take effect March 2. (AP)
  • Bitch, Please: If lawyers are really debating whether anti-gay bias had a role in Proposition 8 then we're in more trouble than I had originally thought. (SF Chronicle)
  • Don't Ask: Lawyers for the nation's senior military officer are recommending a delay of at least a year in beginning the process to repeal the ban on openly gay military service, which could push a decision by Congress to the middle of the next presidential election. (AP)
  • Just Can't Get Enough: A bartender says John Edwards hit on her during an alleged "sex-and-booze bender." (Daily Intel)
  • Holy Shit: What the fuck is wrong with Pat Robertson? (MediaMatters)
  • Boys Behaving Badly: Some photographic evidence that you might want to start watching "Blue Mountain State," an "unbelievably raunchy" new show about a fictional college football team on Spike TV. (YouTube)
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