Wednesday, December 02, 2009

She Was Really Sayin' Something

The just-released Shakespears Sister album, "Songs From the Red Room," is in heavy rotation at my place (I had most of the songs already, but many are reworked and rerecorded making the disc a must-have) and I'm dying to score an interview with the sister who's doing it for herself, Siobhan Fahey. The Times of London caught up with my favorite 'Rama recently, and we learn she doesn't live with her boyfriend of eight years (sound familiar?), spends three months of the year in L.A. to be close to her kids, and must rent out her home in London because she can't afford to live off her back catalogue (really?). More importantly, though, we learn that she has overcome the depression that nearly derailed her life a few years ago. Read the complete article HERE and get your copy of "Songs From the Red Room" HERE. If you're reading, Shuv, PLEASE come play for us in the (212)!!!

1 comment:

nojarama said...

The album is wonderful (the redo's of versions I already had ARE especially fun). Again, as I have said frequently... I'd sell my own kidneys (well, maybe not... I do like to occasionally drink) and all my relatives (not a problem at all... they're all in South Dakota, no loss for me) to see her perform live!!!