Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Michelle, My Belle

Still not happy with what Obama is doing for the gays? Then try the other one. Last week, while pitching the president’s health care reform efforts to a room of women at the White House. Michelle Obama caught the attention of LGBT advocates when she mentioned that “families come in many different configurations.” This much-needed recognition extends beyond lip service as the health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, also announced plans to create a national resource center to support elderly gays and lesbians.

In a statement, Rea Carey, executive director of the Washington-based National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said the move “marks a critical step to address the needs of a highly vulnerable and largely invisible aging population.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a nice gesture, even if the potential reference to LGBT families is pretty oblique.

This type of reference - vaguely referring to LGBT families while not daring to actually speak to gay issues - is all too typical of a White House that is happy to make promises (and take our money) but loathe to keep them.