Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Legacy of Matthew Shepard

Eleven years after Matthew Shepard’s senseless murder, President Obama will sign the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes bill into law during a White House signing ceremony Wednesday afternoon, White House officials confirm. Anyone who has watched this long-overdue law make its way through the legislative process knows that Matt's mom is very much to thank. Judy Shepard, who in her new book confessed to an acute fear of public speaking, found in tragedy an endless strength and fortitude. She's an inspiration to us all.

For those of you who think our president hasn't done anything for LGBT citizens, please remember that the veto-ready George W. Bush condemned the bill as "unnecessary" and "constitutionally questionable."


Ben said...

If he can get this and ENDA in this Congress, (or this and DADT repeal), I'll be broadly satisfied with his record on LGBT rights.

libhom said...

The NEM participants and the people who picketed the HRC dinner deserve our thanks. Without their final push, this wouldn't have happened.