Thursday, September 10, 2009

Keeping Up With the (Howard) Joneses

OK, so you know I tried to scale back my CD purchases after the whole media tower debacle., vowing to buy new discs from "essential" artists only. But what's a New Wave geek to do when a new Bananarama album, a previously unreleased Prefab Sprout album (the true follow-up to their classic "Jordan: The Comeback" that was rejected by their label) and a two-disc Madonna retrospective (with two new songs and I'm guessing a must-have insert booklet) are all coming out in the next few weeks? If it's true that "no one" buys CDs anymore then I guess I just spent 80 bucks to be the biggest nobody in town. ...


Jim said...

Hey Kenneth,
Quick note on CD purchasing. You're paying way tooo much on your imports going to Go to and save ten bucks a disc (they don't charge you VAT either!). Or try which charges half the price and offers free shipping, even to USA. The only downside of CDwow is that occasionally you'll get weird japanese versions, but it's basically all the same. Either way, if you're going to order from amazon, try the UK one, that's the only way I get my imports. Usually have em in about a week. Looking forward to hearing Viva myself!

nojarama said...

Oh Kenneth, you made a big boo-boo! You should have gotten the Deluxe version of Mo's album from i-tunes (it comes with all the videos too)! I'm sure someone will have a PDF for the artwork for ya as well). As for Bananarama, you could have gotten the album from for 1/2 the price and mailed in 7 days to you upon release (and No VAT) and if you got it from Townsend Records directly, you could have gotten a couple bonus tracks as well (also for 1/2 the price). Shame!

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Thanks for the tips, guys. I canceled my "Viva" and am considering my options. Was bummed to see the Townsend bonus tracks are actually both downloads (would love them all on one disc). Plus I know there are iTunes-only bonus tracks (random covers of "Run to You" and "The Sound of Silence"!). It's like playing Whac-a-Mole with all this extra material -- every outlet has its own.

As for Madonna, Nojo, there's NO WAY I can do download-only for a Madonna album! (And I don't care about videos, to be honest.) Am already nursing my wounds from Pal Shazar's new album that is available as a download only through CDBaby (talk about a misleading company name!).