Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Heaven is Missing an 'Angel'

Madonna's upcoming two-disc retrospective, "Celebration," got four stars in the new Rolling Stone. Although a bit heavy on her post-turn-of-the-century work, I thought it was justified -- how could it not? her albums are consistently good, but it's her singles that are legendary -- but then got a little turned off by reviewer Rob Sheffield when he lamented the exclusion of "Hanky Panky" (easily her worst 45 ever) and then singled out "Hung Up" and "Music" as "two of her best ever." (Is this guy 12?) But then just when I was ready to write him off completely, he redeemed himself by pointing out the compilation's true sin of omission: "Angel."


:el fano: said...

ahhh tell me about it!! when I got the press-release [that is the FIRST] thing that I tweeted to my BFF.. there is NO ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :[ [our] favourite song! thank you for saying it as well!! =] xo xo :el fano:

James Greenlee said...

What, Kenneth, no Hanky Panky?. I'm Breathless is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I still will clean house to it on occasion (though my Buffy: Once More With Feeling and Xanadu get that honor more often). Even my Frank Zappa-lovin' ex-hippie ex-roommate loved Hanky Panky!

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

James -- I actually LOVE the "I'm Breathless" album as a whole. Just thought "Hanky" was NOT singles material!!!

Soulsearcher said...

Okay, this is dead-on. The single was terrific, but the b-side live version of Angel from the Virgin Tour really rocks. Darren Hayes, former lead singer of Savage Garden, released a lovingly crafted cover of the live version that's a carbon, right down to Madonna's ad-libbed lines in the song. Pop confection.