Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Ugly Truth

My lame ass may be sitting in a Starbucks in Union Square on a Saturday night, but I will bet Gerard Butler didn't just squeeze you with his massive arm wherever you are! (Kudos to Mikey for his eagle celeb eye: "There goes that guy who was in that movie with that blond girl" -- all I need to hear!!!!!!!)


Jerry said...

good for you!!

Jesse Archer said...

If only this were his first time on a gay blog!

gaydutchnyc said...


Anonymous said...

well played man.

Pure J.Me said...


S said...

I wonder if he remembers the time I told him to get out of the way while in line at a film festival party...

Probably not.

David said...

wow... that is so cool. what a nice guy to take the time to pose for a photo.

Tom said...

I am SO jealous! LOL

Stephen said...

Lucky you!

Greg Hernandez said...

This is right up there with your Roger Federer pic! you guys would be such a cute couple!

Branden said...

I am so jealous!

Sean said...


Eddie said...

Hot couple!

Unknown said...

I'm jealous...of him. LOL

You're a 1000 times hotta than he is!

Granted, I wouldn't kick him out of bed either...