Monday, August 03, 2009

Imagine How We Feel

Am I the only person who has an overwhelming desire to punch E! News "reporter" Giuliana Rancic? I'd thankfully avoided her my entire life and then suddenly she started turning up constantly on the panel of my favorite late-night show, "Chelsea Lately." I've wanted bad things to happen to her ever since. She's just a fucking idiot and with the possible exception of the evil Lara Spencer, she has to be the most annoying and vapid person on television. (And who LOOKS like that?)

And it gets worse. Normally, most "celebrities" are too fucking stupid to even realize how annoying they are, but this chick EVEN KNOWS IT. (So WHY are you doing this to us?) Listen, Giuliana. (God, even the spelling of her name is ANNOYING.) We know you're annoying. You know you're annoying. Could you please just go away?

All of this reminds me of something Sen. Eugene McCarthy said when I covered a speech of his during the 1988 presidential campaign. (God, I'm old! I was going through an envelope of clips last night and found this one.) He said that "society ought to be protected from TV." It's as if he predicted the new reality show "Giuliana & Bill" 21 years in advance. ...


Anonymous said...

AMEN...I thought I was the only one who was annoyed by this chick. I haven't watched E since Jules Asner left.

Travis said...

After that huge wedding I heard they are already having problems!