Friday, June 05, 2009

Land of the Living


This past Wednesday, Kenneth and I had coffee with fellow writer Craig Seymour, author of the memoir All I Could Bare: My Life in the Strip Clubs of Gay Washington, D.C. If you haven't read it, you should. Esp. if you're as intrigued about what "drives" one to strip as I am!

Afterwards, we headed back to Chelsea so I could stop at Best Buy to pick up my second new fave TV show (after Degrassi: TNG), on DVD, Summer Heights High. My sister, Julie, gave me a gift card for Christmas 2007 that I had still yet to redeem! If you haven't seen SHH you totally should. (Netflix it!) Esp. if you enjoy the sort of "mock-umentary" humor akin to the likes of Waiting for Guffman, and Best in Show.

On our stroll down 8th Avenue, somehow Kenneth and I got talking about our fave Saturday morning TV from the '70s. I brought up Land of the Lost, which KW said he was never into (I also mentioned Dr. Shrinker, which didn't ring a bell.) As you all may know, there's a new LOTL remake starring Will Farrell about to hit the silver screen (why?!), which might be why I had LOTL on the brain.

A couple weekends ago, Craig and I got sucked in to the Sci Fi Channel's LOTL marathon. We DVR'd at least 20 episodes, and sat on the couch wasting the day away reliving our childhood crush on "Will Marshall," aka "Wesley." (I totally forgot he went by one name... Way before Madonna ever got the idea!)

As a four-year-old growing up in Michigan, I fell totally in love with Land of the Lost--not just because I thought the stop-motion dinosaurs we cool, but because I thought Will, aka Wesley, was totally cute!
So you can imagine my surprise/delight, yesterday, when my pal, Brent Hartinger, posted a Q & A he did with Wesley (surname "Eure") over at in which the former '70s heart throb officially came out! [Read the interview here.]

To be honest, Wesley's playing for the Pink Team didn't come as a total shocker... Back in the mid-90s my best friend "Brad" informed me he had run into Mr. Eure while he was out and about vacationing in Palm Springs. But still, it was so great to read the frank Q & A that Wesley gave (he was fired from playing "Mike Horton" on Days of our Lives because he's gay!) that I immediately went to his website and emailed him... and, believe it or not, he emailed me back!

It's not that Wesley said anything overly exciting (he thanked me for writing, for my kind words, etc.), but the fact that I touched base with my First Crush ever was enough to make me melt.


Troy said...

hi kenny, i just want to say that i love reading your blog since you may not receive much positive feedback! i was born in 1965 and you remind me of my past for a variety of reasons and make me wish i had saved as many things from my past as you :). my boyfriend was born in the 1980s, but obviously doesn't remember it in the same way as i do. i also share some similarities with you:
1) i played tennis in high school and college in the 1980s
2) i spent my "youth" in the 80s, but i don't think i had as much fun as you did since i was closeted!
3) i cringe at your photos from the 80s just like i cringe at my own :)
thanks for sharing your present thoughts and memories! its quite nice to experience some of my past through your blog! cheers, TED

Michael said...

What a great story!

And I agree - when someone you are crushing is as nice as you want them to be, well, that makes it even better!

Good luck on the book! It's terrific!

Matthew said...

He wrote me back, too, and was very gracious. I encouraged him to do a memoir. LAND OF THE LOST boy might not go far in the book world, but "I was a secretly gay teen idol" would. He must have great stories about that and about the biz in general, plus seems very smart and articulate.