Friday, June 12, 2009

Angels Flambe

Frieda Laye inspects the bartender for flame retardancy Eighteen months after nearly burning to the ground, Micky's in West Hollywood celebrated its grand re-opening on Wednesday night with a party and plaque presentation to the West Hollywood Fire Department for its efforts to save the club. Of course, no gala would be complete without those crime-fighting Latinas, Chico's Angels, who were no doubt surveying the scene for clues as to who started the fire in the first place.



Al In The County said...

Okay, the bartender/martini picture? Fantabulous!

Welcome back Micky's. I remember many an interesting evening there back in my young-un days...

Danny in WeHo said...

Hey, Thanks Kenneth!
The Angels send you big, wet, red stained kisses... Frieda's is with tongue.

The bartenders totally asked about you and I'm suppsed to give you a note during 5th period.