Monday, April 06, 2009

Award Worthy

(212) dream man Brian Williams has been selected to receive the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism from my J-school alma mater. This is nice to hear as I've been angling to give this guy my own personal "award" for years.


- said...

the Canadian newscaster Brian Williams is twice as awesome. take that!

Unknown said...

I don't like Brian Williams. He reminds me of one of those Jesus-y, nerdy frat guys who think they're great looking and sexy and try to be all boyish and mischievous and charming but come off as smarmy. He's so full of himself he's practically oozing self-satisfaction. He effects self-deprecation as another way to appear adorable and counteract his smugness. He's the ultimate insider trying to appear cool. That too-cute, faux-edgy bracelet with the old-fogey suit, 50's haircut and shiteating grin encapsulate it all for me. Meh.