Monday, March 02, 2009


Received this from Rita Smith of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in regard to my post about "The Insider" and other media outlets' glib coverage of the against perpetrated against Rihanna by Chris Brown:


Thanks for posting this blog. Domestic violence is a very complex issue, and most women will return to the relationship a number of times before they leave for good. Rihanna has multiple reasons for continuing with Brown if she decides to do that, and she needs support for whatever decision she makes.

Brown needs to take responsibility for the violence he chose to use, and he should get appropriate assistance so that he never makes that choice again.

Rita Smith
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Like there's such a thing as "sides" in domestic violence


Matthew said...

Epic fail. A person who returns to someone who beats them does NOT deserve "support" for that decision. I'm sorry, but there is such a thing as blaming a victim and then there is such a thing as letting one's victimhood provide a free pass ever after. Dumb decision on her part. No support here.

Anonymous said...

apparently rihanna is part of the 25% lol.