Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Comments of the Day

I'm very sad to hear that Natasha Richardson has died. When I heard that she was likely brain dead yesterday, I blogged about my affection for her, particularly as Patty Hearst and in the film "Widows' Peak." I also noted that I had a similar feeling of sadness as when Kirsty MacColl died in 2000. She, too, was a well-known 40something Brit who was born into a famous family. She, too, was a mother of two boys who was killed in a fluke accident while on vacation. What level of intelligence we're dealing with that could come up with either of these pathetic comments is truly frightening to imagine, but they're so heinous I couldn't resist sharing them with you guys. Ninety-nine percent of my readers are smart and really fun. Does anyone know of a program to make stupid people go far, far away?

Scot has left a new comment on your post "Hearts and Bones":

Once again you've shown us what a fucking idiot you are. She's not brain dead, she has some brain swelling. She has been moved to a hospital in New York. If you're going to try and act like a grown up, you're going to need more practice. Jackass.

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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hearts and Bones":

Uh, unknown injuries to Natasha Richardson which I hope are not as severe as you fear but which were caused by an accident...versus Kirsty MacColl getting mowed down in the water as she saved her son from a speeding, joyriding Mexican billionaire boating where boats, or at least speeding boats, were disallowed.

Hmmm, an accident versus a manslaugher that went unpunished by the Mexican courts, with the billionarie paying off an underling to take the rap and get a slap on the wrist. Doesn't seem too similar to me.

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Richard Wall said...

I love you, Kenneth.


Scotty said...

Some people are just not bright, Can't blame them for it, but it sure is nice to point it out at times!