Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Proposition H8

With so many people unemployed and hurting, it makes me sick to think what the $83 million blown on Proposition 8 could have been spent on. But kudos to the federal judge in Sacramento for ensuring that this donor list was made public. Why these people who bankrolled this hateful ballot measure think they have a right to privacy ("for fear of harassment" and "threats") when they're the same people WHO HARASS and THREATEN corporations that publicly disclose their support of gay causes is beyond galling. (Full article HERE.)

1 comment:

Marc Lallanilla said...

These donors have every right to be terrified. As we all know, gay men are notorious for violent acts of revenge. Just last week, a housewife in Topeka was viciously attacked by 3 gay men who fixed her hair and forced her into a slimming pantsuit with some new pumps. Her emotional scars may never heal ...