Saturday, December 06, 2008

Bad Karma

I'm a longtime admirer of the Kennedys -- you might recall that my parents forgot to celebrate my 1st birthday because they were so grief-stricken watching Bobby Kennedy's funeral on television -- but I'd be a lot more excited about the prospect of Caroline Kennedy's taking over Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate seat in my home state if she hadn't so aggressively campaigned for that guy who left my gal in the dust. How much you wanna bet Billary feels the same way?


Anonymous said...

So, by that logic, Clinton supporters shouldn't run for for the open Senate seats in Illinois and Delaware or Governor of Arizona? She's the freaking Secretary of State, for Christ's sake! Let's get over this thing, okay? PUMAs are *so* summer of '08!

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. Really? The election is OVER. You're still talking about the primary? Hill and Barack have kissed and made up, or the discussion of her soon-to-be-open Senate seat wouldn't even be on the table. Time to move on.

Anonymous said...

I'm not certain but I think the politicians adapt and "get over" things quicker than the rest of us mere mortals. So, here's the frequency, Kenneth: I'll take the bet for $ 5.00.

rob @

Anonymous said...

Patrick: Kenneth doesn't LIVE in Illinois, Delaware or Arizona, so YOUR logic doesn't add up.

Rob: YOU obviously don't know the grudge-holding ways of the Clintons!

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama has placed some powerful Clintonistas in his cabinet, so I think it all evens out.

Anonymous said...

Caroline would be bad becuase of her lack of public service. Her cousin, Robert Kennedy Jr., has a long track record of public service in New York State - he would make a far better choice.As far as Obama, I see Clinton II with all of his appointments, so much for change. cheers, GP

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I think of Caroline Kennedy as a Judas now. How could she abandon Hillary. She is not deserving of her senate seat and hopfully Governor Paterson will NOT give it to her!

Anonymous said...

Get over it and thank God the Dems - all of us - are taking over from Bush and co. The country - and world - are in dire shape, so we need to look forward, not back - and we need to use all of the talent we've got to make things better for the next generation - Clintons, Kennedys, Obamas, even regular schmoes. As for NY Senate slot - there are many good candidates to take over Senator Clinton's seat - Caroline, her cousin Bobby, and several others. Gov. Patterson is lucky to have so many good picks...