Maybe it's because of its perfect timing, but this Absolut Vodka ad is my hands-down fave ad of the year
Patrick Dempsey is to Avon as Ed Norton is to Breil?

Water works for Tommy Hilfiger and Hugo Boss

Is this what preppy smells like? Jean-Paul Gaultier channels Fassbinder's "Querelle," again ...

This are two ads for Splash bar here in NYC and I can assure you I've never seen any moves like this guy -- or special-ed schoolteacher/nude model Julian Fantechi

Old Spice may not smell very good, but this half-man, half-horse guy is all-hot
This week's eye-catching advertisements
Read all Thursday Ad Watch posts HERE.
I LOVE that the Absolut ad plays off the classic line from "Steel Magnolias": "All gay men have track lightin', and all gay men are named Mark, Rick, or Steve!"
Love the centaur. At least we know how he is hung.
The half-man is Scott Bailey ("Sandy" on Guiding Light). IMDB.com has a very hot shirtless pic!
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