Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Old School

So the clock struck midnight and I realized I could now buy Dido's long-awaited (by me, anyway) new album, "Safe Trip Home." tonight. After work I trekked over to the Virgin Mega Store in Times Square and picked up a (grossly overpriced) copy. Although I buy 95 percent of my CDs via Amazon.com these days, every so often I just can't wait for something to arrive in the mail, yet I'm still completely unwilling to own albums just as downloads. Going to the record store during normal hours is one thing, but it takes something really special for me to partake in this "night the album comes out" wee-hours ritual (I think Sade's "Lovers Rock" was the last time). But as I stood in the checkout line I began to realize that with all the Tower Records gone now, no Wal-Marts in Manhattan and even Virgin closing locations right and left, this may well have been my last late-night hurrah. Guess it's only fitting given Dido's melancholy effect on me. (The album sounds great, btw; Rolling Stone gave it 3.5 stars.) Watch the video for the sweet first single, "Don't Believe in Love" HERE.


Anonymous said...

I as well am excited for this DIDO album! I was going to pre-order it on iTunes for the sake of the ONE bonus track... but then realized i didn't. I actually did go to Wal*Mart last night here in Atlanta, but the only new album stocked on the shelves was Beyonce`. The clerk told me I had to wait until tomorrow, as it was in the back, she didn't know where, and there was another lady that did all the rest of the new releases at 8am. So sad... so I just went ahead and ordered the deluxe 2cd set on amazon.com this afternoon.. at this point.. what's 3 more days? :(

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're spoilt on your side of the pond.

In Germany they want you to pay ~ 19$ for that same album, and that's even a low price (on Amazon).

Sometimes for a single disc record you pay 22 $.