All day I've been reading about
long lines and voting glitches (and major excitement), but not any of these were present here in Chelsea's 15th district. I walked in and literally voted within seconds as the volunteer at the desk yawned. Not sure if my offbeat hours are to thank (Michael claims the line was around the block when he tried to go before work this morning) or what, but it sure felt good. How has it been where you live?

The straightest thing I've ever done
There were six people in line in front of me at 7:30 a.m. We vote in some guy's garage that smells like he grows mildew as a hobby.
There were approx. 300 people in line in Midtown Atlanta this morning. The line, though, moved fast and I was out in about an hour and a half. Everyone was nice, conversive and in a better mood than I had ever seen during election voting...especially considering the numbers of people
As I neared the end of the line I got quite a chill thinking of the history that will hopefully be made today.
ps...has NY not moved to computer polls yet?
I was in & out in 10 minutes in NJ around 12 noon today. The polling people said it was the first time since the polls opened at 6 a.m. that voting has dropped off. They expect the turnout to get crazy again from 5 p.m. until they close tonight at 9 p.m.
I went into my polling place just a few minutes after 12 noon and was on my way out a few minutes later. I asked the lady where were the lines and she told me that when they opened at 7 am, they were out the door. My wife went at 830 am and she was number 244 for the day. This was in Central Massachusetts.
Huge line in Murray Hill this morning. I think people wanted to vote early and that's when the crowds showed up. A friend's daughter voted after 6 p.m. in Brooklyn and there was no wait at all.
So, if you wanted to use my class election as a prediction as to who will win the election today, it will be Barack Obama. He won 20 votes to 9. Some of the comments about McCain:
"He smells like pee."
"McCain is a skunk."
One little girl was near tears when Obama won. She's scared because her mom says "Obama doesn't like the country and will change all of the laws and he doesn't like the flag."
Here in New Mexico we are one of the few states that has early voting and there were record numbers of people utilizing early voting. That said, there was no line at my precinct at 11:30 AM (MST) but it still took 15 minutes thanks to our antiquainted paper ballot system. One poll worker, obviously drunk with power, demanded to see my ID even though State law does not require it. Overall, though, it was an easy experience. Or as easy as it gets in New Mexico. Not that I'm complaining; I love it here.
I'm on Long Island, NY...I went at 7:30am this morning. Was in and out in 3 minutes. No waiting at all.
Ha! That voting booth looks very familiar. :)
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