Thursday, October 16, 2008

Straight Talk

UPDATE: I told you I was really bad at this!

OK, I'm really bad at stuff like this, but is the guy above -- seen in the current issue of GENRE -- the same guy as below, aka Benjamin Massing, the straight model who sued a photographer and GENRE for using his (allegedly) "unauthorized" photo in a "lustful and promiscuous" fashion in a gay magazine? The bodies look identical to me, and when you see him with his hair grown out, and in an unstyled shot (below), I see a match. I ask because I'm wondering why he's OK with being in this month's issue, yet is so outraged over his appearance in the March/April issue from earlier this year, which he says caused him "humiliation" and "damage to his reputation." He insists he's no homophobe, but people who have read his complaint say it's filled with anti-gay rhetoric.


S said...

They're two different models.

The one on top is Lee Kholafai.

Greg said...

Nope, not the same guy. The guy in the top picture is a Brazilian model, though I can't think his name right now.

Anonymous said...

those are not the same guy.
The one in the first picture is Lee K.

I forgot how to spell his name, but those two are def. different people.

Anonymous said...

obviously not the same

Anonymous said...

bodies aren't the same. Look at belly button, nipples, etc.

Anonymous said...

Mr Massing's position is somewhat tenuous. He's comfortable shaking his tuche for the public but wants only the ladies to be looking at him. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Mr Massing may think he's clever but a cat may look at a queen.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to Lee K.;s blog:

He is quite the hottie. I assume is he's NOT gay, but he is awfully quiet on the subject!