Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Page 1 Consider (07/15)

  • Colt's a Stallion: The Redskins reached a four-year deal with draft pick slash hottie X-offender Colt Brennan on Monday. (ESPN)
  • No Business: Does anyone really think George Bush -- the man whose oil company couldn't find black gold to save his life and whose baseball team TRADED Sammy Sosa(!) -- really has the business acumen to be telling anyone where to drill for oil? (AP)
  • Oh, Brother: After reading some of the lame non-secrets Christopher Ciccone was peddling in his new "tell-all" book about sis Madonna I was ready to tune the whole thing out. But Michael sent me this link with a bit of his "Good Morning America" interview and I have to say he said some pretty observant things, namely about Guy Ritchie's alleged homophobia, Kabbalah, and the three things his controlling former best pal can't control. (BBC)
  • Beach Boy: After defeating Roger Federer in the finals of the French and Wimbledon in less than two months, you'd think Rafael Nadal would be ready for a break from racket sports. (Telegraph)
  • Recipe for Disaster: The world definitely doesn't need another reality dance show -- particularly one that is equal parts "A Wedding Story," "So You Think You Can Dance," "Dancing With the Stars" and, not least, "Bridezillas." (NYT)
  • We Don't Need Another Hero: The life of Pfc. Joseph Dwyer, who became a celebrity of sorts when a photo of him rescuing a young boy in the early days of the war in Iraq was circulated around the world, ended tragically last month in North Carolina, where he died at 31 after suffering for years with post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction. The details of one man's inability to recover from the horrors of war are chilling. (EditorialObserver)
  • Here We Go Again: It seems Michael Verdugo, a contestant on this season's "Design Star" on HGTV, has an porn past, starring in bondage videos for Tom "Ropes" McGurk! Based on the photos though, Verdugo obviously doesn't know how to make a sex dungeon feel more cozy. (GayPornBlog -- adult link, of course)
  • Extreme Intervention: A new show that stars hotties Benjamin Bratt and Gil Bellows (remember him on "Ally McBeal" and as SJP's fiance in "Miami Rhapsody"?) is probably worth checking out, even if it sounds horrendous. (NYT)
  • Disco Inferno: Was the unreleased director's cut of "54," the 1997 film about the legendary nightclub Studio 54, actually a gay classic so revelatory that the studio wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole? People who saw it at a "secret" screening this week in Los Angeles sure seem to think so, and if Ryan Phillippe really is in nearly every scene -- and usually naked -- having sex with "dozens" of men as has been reported, then I tend to agree. (Towleroad)
  • Mommie Dearest: Just give it up, Lindsay! (Reuters)
  • Final Post: The world's oldest blogger has died at 108. Time to set up that Site Meter in the sky ...(CNN)
  • RIP: Charles H. Joffe, a co-producer of Woody Allen’s movies and the business expert in the talent agency that managed the budding careers of a host of high-profile comedians that also included Robin Williams, Billy Crystal and David Letterman, died on Wednesday in Los Angeles. 7/9 He was 78 and lived in Los Angeles. You may recall back in 1978, when Allen’s “Annie Hall” won the Academy Award for Best Picture, it was Joffe who picked up the Oscar at the ceremony in Los Angeles while Allen remained in New York playing clarinet in a gig with his jazz band. (NYT)
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