Friday, May 02, 2008

Page 1 Consider (05/02)

  • John of Finland: Come on, Travolta. Do you have to make it this easy? (Queerty)

  • Margin of Error +/- 10 Percent: A new survey claims that only 2.9 percent of adults claim to be gay, lesbian or bisexual. Obviously no one who's ever come into contact with Jackie Warner was polled. (Advocate)

  • Hook, Line and Sinker: A woman convicted just weeks ago of being the "D.C. madam" hanged herself Thursday, apparently making good on her vow never to go to prison for running a high-end Washington prostitution ring. Republican Sen. David Vitter, on the other hand, got a standing ovation from his Capitol Hill peers. (AP)

  • The Countess of Chelsea: Finally, my big chance to become the Quinn of "The Real Housewives of New York City." (Gawker)

  • Shoot From the, Uh, Hip: OK, all you jerkoffs. If you're not already blind PlanetOut needs your help with its 2008 masturbation quiz. Anonymity guaranteed (call me Chelsea handler) -- but please be candid. (PlanetOut)

  • O Canada: Thanks a lot. There go my plans to f**k a 14-year-old Canuck. (TCP)

  • Leading Men: First a Great White Way male beauty pageant, now a Web site devoted to the sexy stars who heat up the nights on Broadway. (HotGuyAlerts)

  • Pink Triangle: A monument will be erected in Tel Aviv honoring gays and lesbians persecuted during the Holocaust. (365Gay)

  • On the Road Again: It looks like Tina Turner has the same "retirement" adviser as Cher. (AP)

  • String Theory: "Fuerzabruta," the latest show from the creators of "De La Guarda," will be launching a Boys' Night (monthly NYC gay party) on May 18. With half-nekkid guys in a pool suspended above your head you probably don't want to miss. (Official Site)
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