Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tom Swelling?

Either I really am the chubby chaser my boyfriend claims I am or people are losing their minds, but these photos are being circulated around the blogosphere with everyone claiming that the Superman star Tom Welling is looking perhaps "not-so-Smallville" and "a little bit on the chunky side." And even the ever-diplomatic Trent (Pink Is the New Blog) was wondering if our modern-day Clark Kent was holding a pizza box rather than a laptop because "it looks like Tom is very familiar with pizza boxes." Ouch. We should all be as "fat" as sexy Tom.


Anonymous said...

I've gotta agree...I can't see anything wrong with the boy!

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself Chubby Chaser.
He looks like one of my ex boyfriends, A little too comfortable in a relationship.

Anonymous said...

So he's not 'ripped'. He's still one of the most beautiful men on the planet. Like really, really beautiful.

And I'm certainly no Chubby Chaser. Gross!

Anonymous said...

i never was a fan of tom welling, but i couldn't believe it either when trent said he was fat.. come on! sure he's not as defined as before, but fat? jeez. what it takes to please gay men..

Anonymous said...

I'd hit it in a heartbeat, "fat" or not. woof.

Travis said...

I will still take him anyday!