Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Page 1 Consider (10/09)

  • Aging and Gay: The original headline screamed: "Old Age Brings New Indignities to Gays" and I thought to myself, tell me something I don't know! But the story is actually quite serious, exploring the homophobia and bigotry that many older gays experience at nursing home and assisted-living facilities around the country. Elderly gay people increasingly report that they have been disrespected, shunned or mistreated in ways that range from hurtful to deadly, even leading some to commit suicide. I think the advent of new facilities that cater to gays and lesbians is definitely a good thing (and you thought the Golden Girls were fun!). (NYT)

  • Way With Words: Blender ranks the worst lyricists of all time. Sting is understandably No. 1 but how dare they put Carly Simon on the list just because of "You're So Vain." (Who says yacht, apricot and gavotte don't rhyme? (Reuters)

  • Nursery School: A stray kitten has found a new mother in a golden retriever, who began producing milk for the gray tabby after hearing its cries. I know exactly how this dog feels, minus the milk (of course). (AP)

  • One Lezzie Way: A street in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley is set to be renamed for a beloved lesbian psychotherapist. Ventura Place, just north of famed Ventura Boulevard in the Studio City district, will be renamed Dr. Betty Berzon Place on Sunday. Berzon, who died in January 2006, helped establish the Gay Psychological Association and served on the boards of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, the Whitman-Radclyffe Foundation, the Gay Academic Union, the National Gay Right Advocates, and the Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services. Moving forward, only Subarus and pickup trucks will be allowed to drive on the road. (Advocate)

  • Double Your Pleasure: ABC's "Bachelor" isn't satisfied having dozens of women catfight over one man: now they've thrown the guy's married twin into the mix. I wonder if the brother has the same hot bod ... Let the fur fly. (NYP)

  • Hate Shortage: Opponents of Oregon's new same-sex domestic partnership law failed to turn in enough valid signatures to block the measure, clearing the way for it to take effect next year, state elections officials said Monday. (AP) Meanwhile, a multimillion dollar TV ad campaign promoting same-sex marriage rights will be launched this week in California's five major cities. (365Gay)

  • New York Justice: A jury convicted a Brooklyn, N.Y., man of manslaughter and on hate-crimes charges Friday for an attack on a gay victim at a remote city beach that led to the victim's death. John Fox was one of two young men on trial for their roles in the assault on Michael Sandy, who was ambushed and chased into traffic during a mugging a year ago. A car struck Sandy as he fled onto Brooklyn's Belt Parkway, fatally injuring him. A separate jury deliberating the same charges against Fox’s co-defendant, Anthony Fortunato, 21, who is trying to use the "I'm gay too" defense," has yet to reach a verdict. The photo above is of Sandy's grieving parents, Denise and Ezekial Sandy. I don't think any of the defendants deserve any more attention than they've already gotten, aside from attention from the scales of justice. (NYT)

  • Two Steps Forward, One Step Back? The 11th annual national dinner of the Human Rights Campaign in Washington on Saturday was expected to be a time of outright celebration, with the organization honoring Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for her instrumental role in passing both hate-crimes legislation and, it was hoped, an Employment Non-Discrimination Act that protected the entire gay, lesbian, and transgender community. But by the time of the gala event, while a transgender-inclusive hate-crimes bill had indeed passed both houses of Congress and was headed for the president’s desk, passage of a trans-inclusive ENDA was still up in the air, with the LGBT community divided about it and the House leadership scratching its head. This is a very complicated situation and anyone who knows anything about Washington knows things in the world of politics are never black and white. People are understandably angry at Joe Solmonese for breaking a promise, but are these not (perhaps) the same type of myopic people who insist that Bill Clinton betrayed us over gays in the military when everyone knows that if he had gone ahead with it Congress would have overridden his executive order? I think yes. (Advocate) (See related post.)

  • Too Real: Ever wonder what kind of liability producers of reality shows face when their subjects do wild and dangerous things -- like Pam on "Intervention" who chugged vodka all day and then sped away in her car? (NYT)

  • Poofer Central: The British government is set to make it a crime to incite hatred because of a person’s sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation, Jack Straw announced Monday night. The offense will carry a maximum sentence of seven years. Straw, the justice secretary, outlined the plans to MPs but the details of the measure are yet to be finalized. This will surely come in handy as almost all British men seem like dandies. (GU)
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Well, it's not just "You're So Vain" that puts Carly on the list. She's the Queen of Schlock - a welfare Joni Mitchell, and poet laureate for bored housewives and uninspired gay men over 40. Not this over-40 gay man.