Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Page 1 Consider (08/14)

  • Quit Kid-ding Around: What the hell is going on here? Remember Kurt Eichenwald, the then-N.Y. Times reporter who wrote that huge piece about kiddie Internet sex star Justin Berry? First it turned out that Eichenwald forgot he'd written the boy a check for $2,000 and now comes word that he sent him (at least) an addition $1,100 via PayPal under a false name, the same name that reviewed -- you guessed it -- one of Eichenwald's books on Amazon.com. Additionally, Eichenwald has just mysteriously parted ways with his latest employer, Portfolio. If Eichenwald turned out to be a pedophile that would be relatively normal compared with what it appears he is. (Radosh)

  • Better Know a Virgin: A (wet) cat fight on the set of "The Colbert Report"? (FishbowlNY)

  • Double Jeopardy: A longshoreman in Canada kept his 14-year relationship a secret in life and now that he's dead his surviving partner is left with nothing. Talk about adding insult to injury, eh? (CP)

  • That's Miss Thing to You: Trannies in Thailand may soon be allowed to legally change their courtesy titles to match their appropriate gender identification. (How else would they handle it???) (AP)

  • The Surreal Wife: That whack job Tawny Kitaen is at it again, this time accusing her (latest) husband of stealing more than $3 million from her during the course of their relationship. Does someone with millions to steal actually appear on "The Surreal Life"? I'm guessing not. (ET)

  • Wanted: Gay men with gay brothers! (ChicagoTrib)

  • The Preacher's Wife: I don't care what the circumstances were, you murder someone and you get out of jail after just 67 days? (AP)

  • Diver Way Down: It appears that the oft-planned and oft-scrapped reunion between Van Halen and David Lee Roth is on, again. Unfortunately they waited until A) most people no longer care; B) Both David and Eddie look completely freaky; and C) Michael Anthony was kicked out of the band to make room for Eddie's son, Wolfgang, who could stand to join Mom, Valerie Bertinelli, on the Jenny Craig plan. (Variety)

  • RIP: Brooke Astor, 105, a daughter of privilege whose marriage into one of America's oldest fortunes made her a mainstay of New York high society and philanthropy for five decades as she gave away about $200 million, died Aug. 13 at her estate in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. (WP)

    Anonymous said...

    Is it me, or does David Lee Roth look like Carson Kressley from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?" Kenneth can you do a split screen shot of the 2??? Thanks man!

    Anonymous said...

    Why do you link to stories on other sites that require login and passwords?
    Its really annoying