Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Welcome to the Gayborhood

Last Tuesday I gave the pilot episode of Logo's new animated series "Rick and Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World" a cool review over on Towleroad. It's not that I was offended by the show's politically incorrect send-up of gay life. I just didn't find it funny. Tonight is the show's big premiere (10 p.m. ET) -- so you can decide for yourself.

The preview DVD I received also included next week's episode. In the interest of fairness, I decided to watch it last night hoping my cautious optimism for the show might pay off. I did enjoy No. 2 more. Like all shows, it takes some getting to know the characters for things to be fully appreciated. Unfortunately, I didn't laugh any more this time around -- and there are only six episodes of this show total. After viewing the second episode, however, I realized that the show is essentially the gay "South Park" -- which explains a lot. (Here's how deep I am:) I think the world is divided into "Beavis and Butt-head" people, "South Park" people, and everybody else. I'm a "Beavis and Butt-head" man and pretty much don't want anything to do with the other two types. Just like my taste in books, television and movies, I go for realism -- real stories about real people. My best friend growing up in Arizona and I were Beavis and Butt-head. We weren't running around doing and saying outrageous things, breaking into song and acting like adults. Greg and I were two boring suburban kids who sat around watching MTV all day, doing nothing productive (except occasionally buying nachos) and thinking we were really smart when in fact we were just two annoying little shits.
"Rick and Steve" will undoubtedly make a lot of people laugh, but for me, I think I'll wait around until Mike Judge comes up with a new show about gay life. That sounds like something I can relate to.

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