Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Val Kilmer Ate His Career

Are they already doing a remake of that crappy Ryan Reynolds movie "Just Friends"? Oh, wait, this is real. (Via OhLaLa)


Lady Hooligan Kat said...

Pure torture to see that, Kenneth, but I still love VAL!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me he's just that way for a role! (Or should I say "roll"?? !!)

Anonymous said...

Kenneth, grow up. And gain some depth, why don't you?

Anonymous said...

Oooooh! What a ZINGER, Jason.

Rosie "The Destroyer" has nothing on you, kitty ...

sam-i-am said...

Oh, don't hate on Just Friends. Sure, it was crap, but Anna Faris as Samantha James is pure comic gold, and Ryan Reynolds... well, at least he's pretty.