Thursday, June 14, 2007

The New Look

Only regular readers would probably notice, but kenneth in the (212) underwent a facelift last night. We're (both) still healing over here, but I'm hoping the wider page will alleviate some of the problems I was having with the old site. I hate change more than the average person, but this was inevitable as more and more Web-based features become available.

Your feedback is appreciated, but most of all I'm wondering if people can see the Google ad strips along the left and right columns anymore. One of the reasons I updated things is because the ads stopped being visible on Internet Explorer 6 (I refuse to upgrade) and I wasn't sure if it was just me or not. On Firefox everything looks good (it used to be the other way around), and even though I hardly make a killing off these ads, they do cover my Web-hosting charges, etc. Right now I see the left column but not the right and no one at Blogger (or on the forums) seems to be able to give me any advice. (And yes, my JavaScript is enabled!

If anyone has any thoughts please feel free to share them.


Anonymous said...

Lovin' the new site layout.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the right column, but that's because I refuse to keep the browser open full screen and blocking all the other windows. The substance looks like it's there.

Unknown said...

i'm getting both columns on Mac using Safari

TJ said...

Looks fine to me....

Rick said...

Both columns are in plain sight at full screen w Int Exp.

I don't like change either but the C.B. ass shot below more than makes amends

Anonymous said...

I really like the new look, Kenneth. I can see everything and I am on a Mac and use both Safari and Firefox. Now, since I usually copy whatever you do, I am sure Knee Deep in Mud will be making some changes in the future.

Cx3 said...

Much better layout and a lot more readable for the online channel and better use of photography. Onwards and upwards...

Come Into My World

Jeff Parker said...

new site looks fine on IE7. Why u no upgrade?

Anonymous said...

Love the new look. :) Good job.

TCho said...

i can see them!

J. David Zacko-Smith said...
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J. David Zacko-Smith said...
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J. David Zacko-Smith said...

I like the new look - and have looked at it in Safari, in Firefox and in IE. Unfortunately I CAN still see the Google ads - though I'm used to ignoring them (as is 98.5% of the population I think). *WINK*

Jim Hopkins said...

I can't see much of anything in your two right-hand columns; I'm using IE 6.0.