Monday, April 23, 2007

Page 1 Consider (04/23)

  • Jake Gets Around: My lucky bitch of a friend Keith had a Jake Gyllenhaal sighting in the lobby of the San Jose Hotel down in Austin, Texas. Might Jakey be cheating on his BFF Austin Nichols with another Austin pal, Lance Armstrong? (KneeDeepInMud)
  • I HEART N.Y.: Gov. Eliot Spitzer will introduce a bill in the coming weeks to legalize same-sex marriage in New York, his spokeswoman said Friday, a move that would propel New York to the forefront of one of the most contentious issues in politics. Although gay advocates realize the fight is an uphill battle as the measure is unlikely to pass both chambers of the Legislature this year, everyone agrees that the governor’s proposal would give the heated topic strategic and symbolic weight. (NYT)
  • "Freedom" of the Press: A high school journalism adviser in Indiana has been suspended for "allowing" a sophomore to write a column in the student newspaper that dared to advocate tolerance for people "different than you." But since sophomore Megan Chase's words appeared Jan. 19 in The Tomahawk, the newspaper at Woodlan Junior-Senior High School, Amy Sorrell has been suspended and is fighting for her job, and charges of censorship and First Amendment violations are clouding this conservative northeastern Indiana community. What a sad story this is. (AP)

  • Dina-Oh! The sex was good. But that's the only nice thing Dina Matos McGreevey has to say about her sham of a marriage to gay former Gov. Jim McGreevey."You have to pull yourself together," he sternly told her before the 2004 announcement that shocked the nation. "You have to be Jackie Kennedy today." I guess telling her he was gay wasn't enough for him. He had to repeatedly rub her face in it by obsessing about Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis every step of the way afterward: Dina says he also demanded she move out of Drumthwacket before his official resignation date because staying until the last minute would make her "look like white trash." "Don't you have any dignity or self-respect?" he reportedly said. "Jackie Kennedy wouldn't do that." (NYDN)
  • TransGeneration: A transgender candidate for prom king made an "elegant" appearance at the Fresno High School dance in (what else?) a tux, but missed winning the title, school officials said. Cinthia Covarrubias, 17, identifies as transgender (time to work on that name, Mr. Thing!). Gay youth advocates believe it was the first time in the U.S. that an openly transgender student had run for prom royalty. (AP)
  • Terrorist's Remorse: Remember John Walker Lindh, aka The American Taliban? When he struck a "deal" back in the post-9/11 hysteria days that got him 20 years in prison instead of life, it was considered a real break. But is it time for buyer's remorse? (NYT)
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