Saturday, March 10, 2007

Caption Me

UPDATE: This is what someone is saying on YouTube: "This was taken outside of a courtroom. The daughter of the woman who was doing the punching had recently died and the woman on the right was commenting on the fact that they found THC in her system. This was implying that smoking marijuana led to irresponsible activities and eventually the daughter's death. The woman doing the punching wasnt havin' any o' that shit so she lays out a smackdown."


Anonymous said...

Lordy...what's the story behind this one??

Anonymous said...

"Final Net"! LOL!!!

Unknown said...

I need to know the story before I comment!

but whatever...."Oh NO you DIND'T!"

she got it on video you going to jail bitch!

Age Appropriate said...


That was so funny. Shame there's no back story to the clip on the blog, I'd like to know why the old woman did it and what the aftermath was.

Steve Reed said...

That's not a bitch slap -- that's a full-on fist punch!