Thursday, February 22, 2007

Page 1 Consider (02/22)

  • Reality Check: Could they be the first "reality TV couple" to actually make a real go of it? The former "Bachelorette" Trista Rehn and her winning fireman bachelor Ryan Sutter have been together since 2002 -- which makes them already more stable than most heterosexuals -- and are now expecting their first child. When my mom went back to Omaha for a family reunion she found out that Ryan is a distant relatives of ours (how did that go again, Mom?), yet my wedding invitation was mysteriously lost in the mail. Perhaps I'll be invited to the (unisex) baby shower? A million bucks says she gives birth on live television. (AP)

  • Always a Tranny Bridesmaid: I think it's great that ABC has cast six transgender people to play, well, transgender people on an upcoming episode of "All My Children." Too bad they didn't cast one to play the part of the show's principal transgender character. (Advocate)

  • Heavens Above: Thank God for the Utah Legislature. Before things could get too out of hand, they swooped in and passed legislation to ban gay-straight student alliances in schools. Let's just stick to the basics here: polygamy, smear the queer, swirlies and general gay bashing. None of this fancy "progressive" stuff for the fine people of the mountains. (365Gay)

  • The Lo-Down: So dd you hear that Jennifer Lopez got booed at her latest movie premiere? Let's hope Simon goes easier on her on "American Idol." (AH)

  • Jersey Rocks: The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that schools are legally obligated to protect LGBT students from discrimination and bullying in the same way employees are are protected in the workplace. The court said that students, like workers, are covered by the state Law Against Discrimination. For all of the grief the Garden State takes, it sure is looking good to me. (365Gay) And how about Colombia?! (NYT)

  • Rightwing Parody? In the new book "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11," Dinesh D’Souza claims that in Hollywood "the white businessman in the suit is usually the villain," "prostitutes are always portrayed more favorably and decently than anyone who criticizes them" and "homosexuals are typically presented as good-looking and charming, and unappealing features of the gay lifestyle are either ignored or presented in an amusing light." I'm guessing this nut thought "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" was a drama, "Leaving Las Vegas" was a satire, and that "The Fan," "Psycho," "Cruising," "Basic Instinct" and [insert film with gay character here] were all about "the gay good life." (NYT)

  • Online Playground: Speaking of which, now states are looking for ways to curb online bullying as well. (AP)

  • A New England? The attorney general of Rhode Island thinks his state should recognize its neighbor's same-sex marriages. (AP)

  • Judge Judy Presiding: How sad must your life be when you're suing because your life was the true inspiration for the movie "Dodgeball"? (NYT)

    Anonymous said...

    So just as I get ready to leave Jersey, you decide you like it. As Kevin Smith once wrote, "Don't underestimate the drawing power of the Garden State."

    Karim said...

    Dinesh D'Souza is a guttersnipe and a race-baiter. He will never be taken seriously.

    Anonymous said...

    D'Souza is just an all scumbag, Republican (is that repetitive?), who has made a career out of spouting hateful things. He's like Michelle Malkin or Andrew Sullivan (when he's spouting plaudits for racist material like "The Bell Curve" or such), a minority face that says things that most of the white, heterosexual conservatives don't want to say for fear of a backlash.