Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Mark Foley Mobile

The Daily News pulled together some of former Rep. Mark Foley's greatest naked displays of weirdness. If only all predators made it this easy to spot them:

  • Foley on CNN, June 20: "You put 11- and 18-year-olds together in a camp where they're nude, I think it is a recipe for disaster. It is like putting a match next to a gasoline can."
  • On MSNBC, June 23: "I do have to question why people, if this is such a natural endeavor, have to be put in a hot tub with 18 others, if you will, enjoying this kind of activity. ... These kids are young. I think that they should maybe be learning something other than being nude together and being thrown in a hot tub.
  • On CBS' "The Early Show," June 24: "In fact, in the very camp we're talking about in Florida, there have been people ejected because of their trying to enter the camp because they're peering through sauna windows."
  • On "Good Morning America," June 24: "In fact, they've coined an expression for people that visit these parts, they call them COGS, Creepy Old Guys. ... It's in [the children's] most formative years. I think they'd be better off at Girl Scout camp, Boy Scout camp or sports camp than a nudist camp."
  • On "The O'Reilly Factor," June 29: "The parents said, 'Oh, they're supervised, they have camp counselors, they have custodial people there to watch out for them.' Well, again, several cases have come to my attention where the camp managers themselves have been arrested, charged with pornography."

    No wonder he was so well-versed on the topic ...

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