RIP: Former Texas governor Ann Richards, the witty and flamboyant Democrat who went from homemaker to national political celebrity, died Sept. 13 after cancer was diagnosed this year, a family spokeswoman said. She was 73. This is a huge loss to the Democratic Party and to the nation. My thoughts are with the family -- what a great woman. (AP)
Mr. Met: For the first time in eight years, Derek Jeter T-shirts are not the most popular in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut region, said Rich Yonkers, the vice president for signature license apparel at Modell’s Sporting Goods. David Wright’s are, including one bearing the words "Mrs. Wright." The chain has introduced a "Wrighteous" shirt, intended for a 12- to 18-year-old male market and already a strong seller. And a line of "Mrs. Wright" love pendants is almost sold out at the souvenir stands in Shea Stadium. I'm getting ready to introduce my own line of "David Wright Is My Domestic Partner" T-shirts soon, too. (NYT)
I'm Your Bowel Movement Tonight: Crack whore Whitney Houston has supposedly filed for divorce from her deadbeat husband, Bobby Brown. All I wanna know is who is going to pull the stuck turds out of her ass now? (AP)
McGrievances: This gay American is one class act -- former Gov. James E. McGreevey revealed during an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he was having an affair with another man while his wife was hospitalized for the birth of their child, according to audience members. (AP)
I lived in Texas going to college when she was govenor and that woman had style and personality that will never be duplicated.
Ann Richards was cool enough to do a voice on "King of the Hill." (Where she was mooned, no less.) She's all right in my book.
Again the obsession with the fat jokes. :(
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