John Mark Karr arrived at LAX last night with much fanfare, yet no one seems to have gone to the trouble of figuring out the simplest of facts -- like was he in Boulder on Dec. 26, 1996. All signs seem to say he's just an attention-starved pedophile (and possible transsexual wannabe) who had nothing to do with JonBenet Ramsey's murder, but the connection between an odd phrase he signed in a high school yearbook ("Shall be the conqueror") and initials signed at the bottom on the "ransom note" (S.B.T.C.) were enough to send a chill down my spine when I heard about it.
Read: JonBenet Ramsey suspect arrives in L.A.
Wow. The juxtaposition of those images was creepy. Wow.
Well, that yearbook/ransom note connection certainly is a start. Let's hope there's more and a nice, solid link can be established.
But one thing's for sure - Karr is a FREAK! He reminds me of that guy in the movie "The Bodyguard," who kept saying "nooooo" over and over again. You know who I'm talking about, right?
He seems to have a freakishly large head (almost Photoshopped onto his emaciated torso) but more importantly - why are the deviant serial killer types always referred to with their middle names intact? Is it a policy?
Never mind the similarities between the two photos, the guy to the extreme right in the JMK photo is rocking something from the new Ralph Lauren U.S. Open collection!
We all know why he was used as a "pansy" (same word JFK fake killer said).
CT Senator Lieberloserman does not win the Democrat primary and is now going independent.
The US government wanted a distraction from this being announced in the media and they found it with this LIE from this guy who claims he killed the little girl.
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