Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Flickr-riffic: Landon Lueck

I came across these rare photos of "The Real World: Philadelphia" cast member Landon Lueck not in a pair of tighty whities. Not sure when they were taken -- and who's your hot friend, Landon?


Anonymous said...

Is Landon some kind of Sheriff or is that a mug shot? He's looking mighty calm and handsome if it's a mug shot.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Too funny. Here's the scoop.
"Give a guy a few drinks and the next thing you know he's assaulting a police horse. This, of course, is Landon Lueck, one of the 7 "starts" of MTV's 2003 season of "Real World," seen here in a mug shot taken by Wisconsin authorities in October of 2002 after they arrested him on charges of assaulting a police horse. Seems that Leuck got kicked out of a Wisconsin-Penn State football game for being drunk and disorderly - but he didn't want to go. When the police officer tried to "herd" him out of the gate, he grabbed the horse around the neck and tried to push it away. Cops promptly arrested him - Lueck later completed a court-ordered program and had the charges dismissed."