Monday, July 10, 2006

Who Wants to Eat a 100 Grand Bar?


Anonymous said...

Would this be considered "irony?"

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this be considered "mean?"

Really Kenneth. I expect more out of you than cheap shots against overweight women. My sister is overweight mainly due to medical conditions. If you made a slight like that against her, I would personally fly to the 212 and clean your clock out.

Anonymous said...

What is your problem with fat people? Stop it. It is most unbecoming.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I'm evil. I thought this was hilarious.

(Does it help if I say I also enjoy Calista Flockart jokes?)

Anonymous said...

This picture has been all over the Sucks board. It's hysterical. Lighen up, people. No pun intended :b

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Come on, people! It's just a joke.
Kathy Griffin is pitching a show to Lifetime called "Watch Nicole Richie Die" -- which consists of nothing but a camera in Nicole's house.

I think that's even funnier than my clever caption :-)