Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mother of Invention 1, Lipton 0

How I'd like to kiss and personally thank the person who invented the Mrs. Tea machine. I don't know how many times I have thought how nice it would be to have a cup of tea, but that it's just too damn much trouble boiling that water and putting the tea bag in the cup.

Mrs. Tea to the rescue! Just put a tea bag and some water into the machine. It boils the water and because you have already placed a tea bag into the machine, suddenly you have tea. Voila!

Now if only they could come up with a machine that makes a bowl of cereal for you.


William said...

I love my Mrs. Tea too! It's great because it keeps the tea warm for you as well! The downside- I don't think they make it anymore and you have to get it on EBAY.

Anonymous said...

Uh, William? I could be wrong here, but I think this was what you'd call a sarcastic post. Either way, I am glad you enjoy your Mrs. Tea. May you never need to bring it in for repairs.

Anonymous said...

Repairs? Once my Mrs. Tea stops working- I'm going to chuck the damn thing and buy another one from EBAY.

My point though is the value of Mrs. Tea- it keeps an entire pot of tea warm for you- a wonderful luxury for writers who don't want to be bothered with brewing tea by the cupful.

(Although the fact that they don't make Mrs. Tea anymore does say something about the need for this appliance, but it's not completely useless!!!) :)
