Friday, April 28, 2006


As you have probably guessed, we're back from our West Coast vacation. It couldn't have been more perfect: great weather, lots of time by the pool, lots of quiet time with Michael, and lots of time with my fun family. The only way it could have been better would be if I'd been able to fit a few more friends into the mix. To those I missed, believe me when I say that I would have loved to have had a few more days to catch everyone. I'm lucky I got to see my sweet college friend Debra (above). She has 21 birds, three dogs and two cats living in her funky Hollywood digs, and I've never seen anything quite like it. The cats interact with the birds like it was completely normal. My cat -- who has never been around an actual bird in his entire life -- still gets his teeth chattering and is ready to pounce when a pigeon lands on the air conditioner outside the living room window. It was so fascinating to watch the habitat Debra & Co. have created. Also got to spend time with my best pal Mark (we met in sixth grade camp in suburban Detroit!). Mark came to the Hoffs-Sweet concert with us and, as usual, we had so much fun hanging out.

My nephew, A.J., gets more adorable with each passing year. Sporting his kenneth in the (212) T-shirt, he had no time warming back up to his Uncle Kenny and Aunt Uncle Michael, but then inched his way toward my Shit List when he turned to Michael at the lunch table at the mall and said "I love you." (I'm guessing he loves me so much more that he figured it didn't even need to be voiced aloud). My sister is having another vomit-filled pregnancy yet still managed to get herself up and about and we had our usual fun time. She took no time in making fun of my "grown out" hair telling me that I looked just like John Tesh. (Naturally, I went straight to the barber shop today and am nearly bald now.) The weather was great so we were able to continue the pooltime at my parents' house. Brother Terence and Mom were fun and their normal hilarious selves. My sister is due in mid-October, so I figure I will be back around the holidays to meet the latest addition to the Walsh-Chilinski-Jaurigue clan ...


Anonymous said...

Is this really Arizona? I didn't think there was grass or trees there.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good vacation... Thanks for sharing the pics... nice to see family and friends... and the John Tesh hair before it got cut off... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for not making me look like the crazy bird lady!
Much love-