Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Page 1 Consider (02/07)

  • Pink Love Triangle: Suspect in Bar Attack Hinted of Violence in Note, Officials Say / I can't decide what is most disturbing about this article. That the DA in the case says that he believes that there was "no suggestion" that killer Jacob Robida "was anti-gay" in the same breath as describing the little freak's bedroom as containing "three Nazi flags, a stop sign with racist words written on it, books about Hitler and other racist and anti-Semitic writings"; um, have you ever heard of the Holocaust you fucking idiot? Or that this freak had had a romantic relationship with a 33-year-old mother of three in 2004-05, which would mean that he was still a child at the time she had him move into her house. Apparently they met via her "goth Web site." Guess getting shot in the face by your jailbait lover is pretty "goth." (NYT)

  • Closet Case: Sen. Hillary Clinton fired back at the GOP's Ken Mehlman yesterday, after being called 'angry' and 'left-wing' by the RNC chairman: "I would suggest that the Washington Republicans worry about these devastating budget cuts, the confusion and bureaucratic nightmare in the prescription drug benefit — that that's where they should be spending their time and energy, instead of trying to divert attention away from their many failures and shortcomings," Clinton said. Nice one, Hil. But it would have been much funnier if you'd just called him a Horse-Faced Closet Case. (ABC)
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