Thursday, December 22, 2005

Johnny Angel?

New York's got no means of transportation right now, but there's enough buzz around town about Johnny Damon's defection to the Yankees to power the entire Metropolitan Transit Authority.

I've seen this guy a few times and was startled to learn that he was Boston's idea of a sex symbol. I'm guessing the Barry Gibb look is still big up there in Beantown, but he looks like a freak to me (Jesus Christ meets Charles Manson is the best way I've heard his look described). I defiinitely get the impression that his good-natured personality is what makes him very appealing in a lot of people's eyes -- and adding another nice guy to the roster never hurts.

But being the shallow type that I am, I dug around to see exactly what we were getting for $52 million. Hey, I'm gonna have to look at this guy for at least the next four years, and I've already had to put up with the world trying to convince me that Derek Jeter is hot. Don't get me wrong, Jeter's a nice guy and everything. But he nailed it himself on SNL when he described himself as looking like the love child of The Rock and a Muppet. I don't get it.

Turns out Johnny Damon might actually have some "clean up" potential. In case you don't know, the Yankees are one of the few professional sports teams that has a strict policy against facial hair and other unkempt grooming practices (and Johnny still wanted to come here!). So the blogosphere has taken a few cleancut photos and enhanced them with some Yankee attire and you know what? He's not looking half bad.

Furthermore, there is the matter of Johnny's surprisingly fit body. Admittedly he was severely waxed and bronzed for his Puma campaign earlier this year, but the bod's not bad either.

So, I'm not saying he's anywhere close to being hot, but there may be hope. Let me know what you think ...

  • Read: What Did Johnny Damon Do? A Nation Is in Shock here
  • Read: Just another hero for Boston to turn on here.

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