Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Tides They Are A-Changin'

"Laguna Beach" vixen Kristin was quoted recently in Rolling Stone as saying that the producers of the O.C. soap opera "made her look like such a bitch." Mmm. I wonder if it was these producers who made her make out with her best friend's new crush at a vaguely Mexican-themed party on Monday night's episode, "Don't Hate the Game."

Doormat Jessica — who, has anyone else noticed, has the biggest cans I have ever seen in my entire life — was finally making some progress in getting over Jason when Kristin decided it was (once again) time to prove that she can "get any guy" she wants and slipped the object of Jessica's affection, Jeff, the tongue (and, ah, licked his lollipop). Oh, Kristin. Why must you make it so hard for us to love you so? There's definitely a shift in the friendship tide happening. Even though the two cliques were making amends, this week proved that it was all for show when Team Kristin snubbed the others at party-invite time.

Interestingly, when Talan tried to get everyone to go to some lame wave park in San Diego, Kristin and Alex H. decided not to go. But Jessica went anyway, under the guise of the outing being "like a good opportunity for like Alex and I to be in the same vicinity and not like, have her wanna wring my neck." But once she got there, Alex M. and Taylor spent the whole afternoon ripping on Kristin, and Jessica wasn't exactly disagreeing with anything they said.

Meantime, LC had to go up to San Francisco for work and met up with her burning flame Stephen. Over a rather dull dinner (I think we're supposed to find these two really intriguing, but I kept dosing off whenever they were on the screen), Stephen broke "the news" that he, too, was through with San Francisco (I'm right there with you, Stephen, L.A. rules) and was moving back to the Southland. He says he's going to take classes at Santa Monica Community College but neglected to mention that he, and Kristin, had signed with the William Morris Agency.

Oh, that's so freshman year ...


Anonymous said...

Is there any show that makes urban terrorism seem sane and reasonable?

Anonymous said...

Where did you find out that they'd signed to the agancy?