Monday, June 13, 2016

The World Just Got a Little Less Cute

We said goodbye to Larry yesterday. The little guy was truly one of a kind -- and I loved him very much. :-(


Unknown said...

Oh no, Im so sorry to hear about your loss. Goddamned shitty week. Just remember what a great home and all the love you gave him. No one could have given him more, Im sure.

Cosmo Tupper said...

So sorry to hear for you loss. Loss of a loved one, especially those who depend on us, is heart-wrenching. Time will heal the pain little by little and the memories will remind you of the good times! RIP, Larry!

The Polar Beast said...

Kenneth, please accept my condolences. Sending hugs from Boston.

mcfrank said...

My deepest sympathy. Take care....

Cat Friend said...

My condolences.... May happy memories carry you through this difficult time. Larry was a total cutie! So sad for you.

Mick said...

I am so sorry to hear about Larry, Kenny. My heart and thoughts and love are with you during this sad and difficult time. I felt like he was a member of my family too and I had high hopes that our contributions could help him with his health problems. The world is indeed a little less cute today. I'm hugging my kitty all day and dreading the day I have to make the same decision. :( <3

Alex in California said...

It's too painful to lose a beloved pet. I always enjoyed looking at the photos you posted of Larry. Rest in peace, Larry.

Randy Slovacek said...

Very sorry to hear of your loss, Kenneth.

Martin N said...

Oooh! I'm so sorry Kenneth.

Jeffery said...

So sorry to hear. Know how much he meant to you.

SFRowGuy said...

Rest in Peace Larry @D-\-/------ My deepest sympathy Ken.

Matthew said...

My boy-dog has had a back issue lately and they're both 8+ now, so I've been right there with you during your ordeal. Think happy thoughts of your time with him and just realize that cat was always going to have a certain amount of time alive, and how lucky was he that he spent it adored by you and kept out of pain and discomfort by you? And how lucky you were that you got to spend his time here with HIM.

Countervail said...

Very sad for your loss. This has been too much this weekend.

swine said...

So sorry for loss, Kenny. U were a great dad to Larry & he was a sweet & beautiful kitty.

Patrick said...

So sorry to hear. I hope you're doing okay.

Unknown said...

I have what my friends call, "Joey G legs". Scratches and bites from my vicious Siamese that scribble down my lower legs. I never really mind until I wear jeans that rub against the wounds or when I scrub my legs in the shower. Any frustrations I harbor sail away when he climbs into my bed at night and looks into my eyes until I fall asleep. I still have to wear jean shorts to bed so he doesn't bite my wiener. But, he's a cat.
I am so sad for your loss.

Unknown said...

I'm truly sorry for your loss. I feel your pain, man.

Andrew said...

He was loved. A lot. Sending you strength from Los Angeles.

John said...

Sorry to hear about your kitty.

paully said...

Whenever you had pictures of Larry up, I would just smile. I felt like he was part of my family. He was a constant in the blog. It will always be painful though. Think of one of the best memories you have of him and when you get sad, think of that and smile.

jmg said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. He reminds me very much of my little guy (who adopted me). Thanks for sharing Larry with us and please know that we're here with you (and him).

Jackie said...

So sorry for your loss. Larry had a wonderful life being loved by you.

mb in west virginia said...

you don't know me, but i've been reading your blog for years.

anyways. we lost our little kitty one year ago yesterday. i've been following larry's story all along and it broke my heart as if he was our own.

much love.

ShyBoy said...

Sorry to hear about your kitty. Know that you gave him a wonderful home.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about Larry.

I lost my little girl last week. We were together over 14 yrs and she slept with me almost every night of all those years. Although she was diagnosed with kidney disease 16 months ago, she was otherwise healthy and happy and showed no signs of illness or age. During this time she became a very picky eater so I made special foods for her and sometimes hand fed her. She required a daily subQ treatment (an IV of 200 liters of saline in the loose skin of her neck) but that only took about 10-15 mins.

She actually had more energy during this last year until the 4th. It was quick. When she looked at me her eyes just said, "It's time daddy." The vet came to our home on the 7th and with my other two dogs present, she peaceful passed on in my arms. The pain of loosing her, though great, comes no where close the the joy and happiness we gave each other. People always told me that the day I rescued her she won the puppy lottery. I always agreed but added, "I did too."

May each new day bring you comfort and healing and may all your wonderful moments and memories remain in your heart forever.

Mike said...

I'm so sorry, Kenneth. You gave Larry a loving life and he was a fortunate feline for sharing your life. Remember the good times.

Gary said...

So sorry to hear of your loss of Larry, Kenneth. I've been there more times than I care to remember, and all I can say is that the best way to honor your guy is to open your heart to another little one. You're in my thoughts, as is Larry.

Unknown said...

Dear Ken: I'm sorry for your loss- a month ago I lost by beloved dog Charlie so I understand what you are going through...Josh

Paul in Palm Springs said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Larry's passing. When we lost our Buster 11 years ago it was thehardest thing I've ever been thorugh, but the pain does pass and we cherish the happy memories. Thank you for sharing Larry's journey with us. He was such a cutie!

Ralph said...

My sincerest sympathies. It is torturous to watch a beloved pet suffer, and agonizing to let him go. I can empathize, because I had to say good-bye to a wondrous feline friend three months ago. You gave Larry a great life and treated him with kindness and respect when he was ailing...right up to the end.


Harnao said...

You have my deepest condolences and sympathy. I've had 2 very amazing feline friends that I spent literally my entire adult life with that I had to put down in 2013 and 2015. I keep canvas photos of them where I see them every day. I can clearly see that Larry gave you as much joy as Tango and Khat gave me.

Pet Smart said...

So sorry. Our pets make up a big part of our lives. You were both lucky to have each other.

Unknown said...

Hey Kenneth,

Been there. Crying with you. After you've had some time to grieve for Larry, you'll find another feline bff that needs you just as much and who you'll love just as much... though maybe differently.

Scott (James Jr. and Stella)

Dave C said...

Oh, I am so sorry.

Robert H said...

So very sorry. I've been there many times with my pets. Though there may be others you'll always remeber him.

Unknown said...

Kenneth...we've never met, but I read your blog on a daily basis. I've been following Larry's story from the start and am saddened about his passing. I am so sorry for your loss.

Dave in Texas said...

So sorry about Larry. Warm thoughts to you.

Paul said...

Kenneth, so sorry to hear of your loss. I had to put down a couple of cats and it is always so hard. My BOBO was 20 when we put him to sleep - he was ready - I could just tell. However, I still miss him every day and I have two great cats that took his place. Know that he loved you and it was his time to pass on to another place. Hugs, Paul

David H. said...

Kenneth, I am so sorry about Lenny. He sounded like a real cool cat. I know how it feels to say goodbye to a pet. Pets are not pets; they're family.

I send you hugs and kisses,


Blobby said...

I haven't read blogs for a few days so I missed this - I am so sorry.

Tom said...

I'm so sorry, Kenneth. Losing our little companions is so hard, even though we know we sign up for it when we bring them into our lives. Giving them a compassionate end is a small repayment for their love.