Wednesday, December 11, 2013

About Last Night ...

Learned about an exciting new organization called United for Equality in Sports & Entertainment (UESE) last night. While not the first group dedicated to making things more fair for LGBT people in sport and entertainment, it is the first to have the ear of the United Nations. Thomas Roberts moderated a panel there with Martina Navratilova, Jason Collins and others, which I hear was groundbreaking on many levels. Was crushed that Martina never showed at the post-event reception I was invited to, but then I wound up having a long talk with Tyler Clementi's mom, an innocent flirtation with a long-extinguished flame and a heart-to-heart over pizza with a new friend in Brooklyn. Life is sweet.

UPDATE: Martina says she never commited to attending the reception.


Henry Holland said...

Did you ask Tyler Clementi's mom if her rejection of him and Bible thumping about his homosexuality when he came out to her is what drove him to take a dive off of a bridge?

rob clemenz @ said...

h A R S h E !

Henry Holland said...

It was meant to be. I got so sick of everyone screeching about Darun Ravi and/or his female accomplice --who, let me make it clear, if I read that they were mauled to death by a pack of wild bears, I wouldn't shed a tear-- while the mom got almost no blowback from the horrible way she reacted to the news. To see this harridan now pimping herself out at gay & lesbian events is disgusting.