Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh, To Be Stranded on an Island With Grant Mattos

I've never seen "Survivor" before -- I haaaate reality competition shows -- but I totally approve of "Survivor: Redemption Island" contestant Grant Mattos, who apparently is an ex-NFL player. (If he was a villain on the show, I don't care. I'm just talking about the way he looks.) This cast met over the weekend at the Ed Sullivan Theater for the finale and reunion show.


Survivor Addict said...

he wasn't a villian. he was a good guy. the only villian this season won an almost unanimous verdict for $1M. also, there was another MAJOR hottie, an iraq war vet, and also another total bible thumper who wasn't bad to look at. this guy, incidentally, became a devout christian over the course of the show. he loves his bible.

Charles McPhate said...

Yeah, I was into Mike (Iraq War vet) and Matt (bible thumper), too, despite all their religious nonsense. Grant looked good from the neck down during the season, but he really cleaned up for the reunion show. Definitely hot.

No Survivor Guilt said...

I am on board with all of the above...Grant, comepletely smoking... Mike, military and smoking, Matt, well, cute but a little too holy!