You're not gonna see
this kind of smackdown at any of the other majors. Joseph Pedeville, 27, is obviously a jerk -- despite being kinda hot -- but that certainly doesn't give Tracey Falco, 49, the right to smack him across the face. Ditto for her stroke-victim dad who tries to choke the guy and then wonders why he lands on his head. (Video 1 has the smack, Video 2 has the scuffle with Dad.) As Cindy Adams would say, only in New York, kids, only in New York ...
UPDATE: Videos have been removed. Read more about the incident
It was one stripper-pole away from being a Jerry Springer episode!! What was the big hulabaloo about, anyway? Did someone steal her hot dog?
And the goon doing the 'get him outta here' voice-over?
I knew I could count on you Kenneth. I heard about this story last night and wanted to kick myself for not witnessing it. Kenneth in the (212) is the true eyes and ears of news!
I would have smacked that cow down if she had slapped me!
Thanks for sticking up for the (hot) hot-head. I agree, he was a jerk, but he's really not at fault for the assault, etc. The whole lot of 'em should have been thrown out.
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