Monday, October 19, 2009

A Very Mary Christmas?

My pal Dan in Minneapolis -- who KNOWS what a Mary Tyler Moore freak I am -- was downtown last week and snapped this fun photo for me. He says he's "not sure about the orange cone and police tape behind her, though she was pretty shiny... maybe she had 'a little work done' that day." Very cute, although anyone with a pulse knows compared with the real Mary, this is nothing. Now I know it's the wrong time of the year to even think of going to Minnesota, but if I don't get there in time to see the Torch Theater's theatrical interpretation of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," I may never forgive myself.


Anonymous said...

Funny, she was being refinished, that's why she was being roped off! I guess too many people have been rubbing her, so the varnish came off! Lucky B*tch i guess! LOL

A. Porter said...

I work in downtown Minneapolis. That's been there for about five years or so. The orange cone is random and not normally there. As for the weather this time of year, October and April are extremely random. It can be gorgeous and 70 or it can be 20 degrees with snow on the ground. Sometimes in the same year, with the snowing-and-20 happening before the sunny-and-70! It's an interesting season.