Thursday, September 03, 2009

What the Puck?

As (physically) cute as I think Levi Johnston is, I have to admit I was annoyed when I read that his moment in the spotlight had been extended by a new "tell-all" about the Palins (the guy barely talks, how can there be yet another?), this time in the upcoming Vanity Fair. But when something is this rich with material -- he was pissed that Sarah made him cut off his mullet before his appearance at the Republican convention; his son Tripp’s middle name is Easton, in honor of his "favorite hockey-equipment company"; he and Bristol frequently had to take care of the kids and go to Taco Bell to get Sarah a Crunchwrap Supreme! -- it's hard not be OK with letting the clock run into overtime, even if the photos leave something to be desired. (Is Levi already losing it?). Gail Collins had a field day with Levi HERE and I still haven't stopped laughing!


Doctor K said...

Do you think he had his name tattooed on his arm in case he forgot how to spell it?

kansastock said...

Is there a connection between my fascination with this tool, New Moon's Jacob and the return of acne after 40 years?

Jimmy said...

I love how Levi's critics say he should think of his son and how all his media whoring will impact him later on. Levi would be remiss if he did not get out there and capitalize on every opportunity to make more money than he ever could selling hockey equipment in Wasilla in order to provide for his son.

It's not like Sarahcudda is some shrinking violet. I think the most revealing things Levi has said refer to Sarah's griping about how much money she was missing out on while still governor.