Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Flipping for Gaylord

Dreamy Mitch Gaylord may be a gold-medal-winning gymnast (anyone remember the Gaylord Flip?), but to me he'll always be the stud who gave the worst acting performance in the history of cinema (see "American Anthem") -- not that I was really listening to him speak. He's 47 now and (apparently) was recently seen as a judge on "Celebrity Circus," which sounds kinda sad until you realize his other post-gymnast credits include "regular appearances on 'Hollywood Squares'," being Chris O'Donnell's stunt double in "Batman & Robin," and hawking a Suzanne Somers fitness machine on the Home Shopping Network. (Via FamousMaleForums)


Mike said...

Oh man... my first inklings that I might be gay were caused by the athletes at the 1984 Summer Olympics. Mitch Gaylord... Greg Lougainis... Matt Biondi... Be still my little 14-year-old heart (and other body parts). Ah, memories...

Anonymous said...

Mike, you and I must be about the same age. I am so with you on that--Mitch Gaylord is perfection!